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Showing 28 results for “Homes & Work” Clear category filter

The Georgian House

An Edinburgh New Town house restored to reflect the lives of those who lived and worked here in the late 18th and early 19th century.

Opening times today
House and gift shop
10.00–17.00 (last admission 16.00)
See full opening times

The Hill House

Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s architectural masterpiece turns art into a home.

Opening times today
House, shop, café and garden
10.00–17.00 (last entry 16.00)
See full opening times

Thomas Carlyle’s Birthplace

Childhood home of one of Britain’s most influential thinkers

Opening times today
See full opening times

Weaver’s Cottage

Atmospheric cottage and hands-on museum where the traditional weaver’s craft comes to life

Opening times today
10.00–17.00 (last entry 16.00)
See full opening times

This property is currently closed.