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Recipe: Scott’s cranachan from Culzean
Scott Murdoch, Head Chef at Culzean Castle & Country Park shares his recipe for cranachan — a boozy, fruity delight with whisky, raspberries, oats, cream and homemade redcurrant jelly.
Love Scotland podcast mini-series: Robert Burns
As we get ready for Burns Night on 25 January, we’re delving into the Love Scotland archives to bring you episodes that reveal the life and legacy of Robert Burns.
Habitat improved to protect rare aquatic insects
Work has been carried out to protect the habitat of rare dragonfly and damselfly species at Castle Fraser.
Innovation in the Highlands: sharing conservation projects
Our Highlands & Islands team recently hosted an exchange visit with representatives of the Dúlra project in Ireland, to share conservation learnings.
Jules is an ambassador for Inverewe
Have you considered volunteering at Inverewe? It’s a wonderful way to engage with the local community, interact with visitors, express your love for nature, and be part of something special.
Christmas at Castle Fraser
The decorations at Castle Fraser are made with plants grown in the castle garden, then cut and dried in time for Christmas. Enjoy this festive celebration of the garden inside the castle.
Funding win marks anniversary of Mackintosh acquisition
Mackintosh Illuminated project receives £1.1 million package of development funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
The PLANTS project: Falkland Palace – the Percy Cane garden
PLANTS East Team Manager Alistair Chalmers explores the historical significance of Falkland Palace’s gardens.
Supporting communities and wellbeing with walks in nature
Find out how we’re working with communities and using our amazing outdoor places to boost people’s wellbeing.