We want our services to be accessible, easy to use and to exclude no-one.
The Trust is focused on ensuring that our digital content and services are built to current World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative double AA standards for HTML and CSS.
We’ve done our utmost to make it the best experience we can. We’ve checked contrast, added helpful hidden text for screen readers, and used ARIA methods to ensure even complicated interactive components are as accessible as they can be. Anywhere that looks like it’s just an icon or graphic should contain screen-reader accessible text so that you know exactly what everything is. We’ve also taken care to ensure that keyboard users are not left behind – anywhere a click should work, a keyboard navigator should also be able to access.
We aim to support all modern standards-based browsers and currently test against the latest versions of the following browsers by default:
- Google Chrome (Windows/Mac)
- Firefox (Windows/Mac)
- Safari (Mac)
- Microsoft Edge (Windows)
- Mobile Safari (iPhone and iPad)
Our developers are encouraged to review and follow inclusive design principles.
We are aware that some parts of our website are older and no longer easily accessible, and we have an ongoing programme of accessible content development to rectify this. If you do encounter any problem with any part of our website, or can advise and guide us on how to improve it, please get in touch using our contact form.