
Patrons’ Club

Join our Patrons’ Club and help us conserve and protect Scotland’s rich heritage, now and for future generations.

Launched in 2003, the Patrons’ Club is an international collective of like-minded individuals who have a deep love for Scotland and its heritage. From across the UK, the USA and Canada, our Patrons are passionate about the work of the National Trust for Scotland and share our ambition to inspire those around us to connect with the things that make Scotland unique. The Patron of the National Trust for Scotland is His Majesty The King.

Supporters who commit to donating £6,000 or more per year are invited to join the Patrons’ Club.

An invitation to join the Patrons’ Club


One speaker: Phil Long

Hello. I'm Phil Long, Chief Executive of the National Trust for Scotland, a role that is an honour and a tremendous pleasure to carry out.

I have a deep passion for Scotland's heritage: its architecture, its art, its design, its natural landscape and the wildlife that inhabits it.

Today, I'm inviting you -- those who share this passion and similarly value and care for our heritage to take on a vital role, one that will help care for our history and invest in how we shape our future.

I recognise all the wonderful work that the Trust has achieved over the 90 years since its formation back in 1931. I do however also realise the challenges ahead, for our heritage and society as a whole.

We at the Trust are uniquely placed, I think, to bring huge benefits to our communities but we as an independent charity cannot do this alone. You can help by joining fellow generous donors, our Patrons.

Together, we can bring about really a step change. As Patrons and therefore partners in our work, we can invest to safeguard Scotland's landscape and properties in the care of the Trust and in particular undertake projects that will help challenge the increasing threat that climate change brings to the heritage in our care.

With your commitment, we can raise the significant funding required to undertake the most ambitious and extraordinary projects.

Your support, your donations, will ensure our precious but fragile heritage can be enjoyed for future generations. Perhaps never before has it been so important that we do everything we can to safeguard, to fight for our heritage and undertake new work in bringing communities together, making sure that we can bring about access to our culture and nature for all.

As we head towards our 100th anniversary, we know that there is so much more that we can achieve. That ambition will be possible with your support.

I hope that you'll accept our invitation. Please join us.

As a conservation charity, we are funded largely by donations. The vital support provided by our Patrons’ Club ensures that we can continue to protect Scotland’s special places and spaces for years to come.

Our Patrons’ Club members have supported a wide variety of projects and accelerated work across the Trust. From providing three years of funding for our montane willow restoration at Mar Lodge Estate, to championing our work to protect Scotland’s seabirds with the recruitment of specialist seabird experts. They have also funded entire sections of our upland footpath network, and enabled extensive tree planting and a tree nursery to be established.

Meanwhile, we’ve been delighted to receive support for gardens, particularly Arduaine in the wake of significant storm damage. The conservation of many of our properties has attracted support, with Canna House, Leith Hall, Craigievar and Fyvie Castle all in receipt of donations in the past year. Thanks to the support of the Patrons’ Club, we are able to share our collection online for the first time, and appoint a Library Curator in 2024. Extraordinary support and action – all made possible by this group of donors.

“We have been members of the Patrons’ Club from the beginning and we have found it a wonderful way of supporting an excellent cause.”
Sir Hugh & Lady Stevenson

Become a Patron

Membership of the Patrons’ Club provides the opportunity to support and deepen your engagement in the National Trust for Scotland through ‘behind the scenes’ access to Scotland’s heritage, gaining a closer insight into our conservation work.

“The Patrons are not a Club, but a fabulous family of friends who share a common interest in the heritage of our country, and are equally motivated to engage in the effort to preserve and promote that heritage.”
Tim and Kim Allan
Chair of V&A Dundee

Patrons enjoy a range of exclusive benefits, including:

  • An exclusive programme of national and international cultural events and trips*
  • An invitation to the annual Patrons’ Club Dinner
  • Behind-the-scenes access to the Trust’s special places and spaces
  • Bespoke communications, keeping you up to date with the important work of the Trust
  • A dedicated point of contact in the Fundraising Team, to support your needs as a Patrons’ Club member and supporter of the Trust
  • A year’s membership of the National Trust for Scotland – providing you with free access to all our places, free car parking, member communications and a property guide
  • Early engagement with the Trust’s priority projects in line with your philanthropic interest

(* Please note that the costs for some events are self-funded by Patrons’ Club members.)

Other ways to support

There are many other ways to give to the National Trust for Scotland, including:

  • Making a one-off gift to a particular area of our work. Please contact our Major Gifts team by emailing for more information.
  • Joining the Founders’ Circle, our giving circle open to supporters who commit to donating £1,000 or more per year.
“We can help a little bit by encouraging more visitors from all walks of life in Scotland and beyond to immerse themselves in nature.”
George & Eri Mackintosh
Papple Steading

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to us about joining the Patrons’ Club, or if you have any questions, please email or call 0131 458 0496.

A large group of very smartly dressed people stand in a grand hall, looking up towards the balcony from where the photo has been taken.
Patrons at the 2022 Annual Patrons’ Club Dinner, hosted by the Duke of Buccleuch at Bowhill House | Image: John Sinclair