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15 Jun 2020

Virtual garden tour: Branklyn Garden

Branklyn Garden virtual tour


Well, welcome to Branklyn Garden.

We’re just continuing with this amazing summer weather, and just imagining that we’re a member of the public coming into the garden.

Absolutely no plants for sale at the moment, but a lot of colour coming round by the house.

Arts and Crafts house looking at Mrs Renton’s Viburnum plicatum that she planted in front of the house.

Sweeping round a little bit to the right, and we have an exhibition bed with Meconopsis and primulas, which is looking just stunning at the moment. It’s at its best.

But, of course, Meconopsis and primulas need a lot of watering, so I have to keep these watered on a daily basis. First thing in the morning, last thing at night.

And then coming past again, this terrace with the Abutilon vitifolium, many rare lilies, Calanthes in on the left here.

Let’s come under this wonderful view through to the garden under the 100-year-old Scots pine.

Sweeping round past the fountain, looking down towards the little avenue of Acer palmatums and the amazing Meconopsis.

Let’s go a little bit closer to the Meconopsis and the iconic view of what we used to call Acer japonicum ‘Aureum’, now A. shirasawanum ‘Aureum’ with Rhododendron ‘Cynthia’ behind it.

Amazing Meconopsis.

And we’ll sweep round looking towards the rock garden - now so much colour.

A lot of work to do. This is perhaps an area where we’re planning to do quite considerable development.
And we’ll walk down. Great to see our apprentice back. Jamie, working away, weeding there.

Another wonderful show of Meconopsis here. This one is called M. ‘Crewdson Hybrid’, originally created in Westmoreland.

Then looking round at this wonderful Chilean fire bush here, Embothrium coccineum.

Then we’ll walk up this little path here. Azaleas are going over very, very quickly now with the excessive heat.
Past some wonderful Thalictrums.

Then we’re going to take a right here, look at these wonderful Maples that Mrs Renton planted 100 years ago. And she loved the combination of purple Maple and this very rare orange Azalea in front of you here with the Meconopsis.

This is a favourite viewing point for our visitors who sit down on the seat here and enjoy this wonderful view across Perth towards the hills. Quite special.

So really, that’s been a very short walk through the garden, and we can’t wait to welcome our visitors back to Branklyn in the near future.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this very short video.

Thank you very much.

Join Branklyn Garden Property Manager and Head Gardener Jim Jermyn, as he takes you on a short tour round the stunning 2-acre hillside garden in Perth.

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