Donation frequency

Thank you for choosing to support our work

Choose a donation frequency and amount:

£3 a month could help us count St Kilda’s seabirds each summer, learning more about the million seabirds who call the islands home.

£5 a month could help us repair the church’s roof, the former heart of the St Kildans’ community.

£10 a month could help us ship building materials over from the mainland, helping us repair the pier.

A gift of £15 could help us excavate Lady Grange’s cleit, helping us learn more about the St Kildan way of life.

A gift of £30 could help us make repairs to the roof of the kirk.

A gift of £50 could help us ship building materials over from the mainland, helping us repair the pier and the kirk.

* Monthly donations are set up as a direct debit, and can only be done with a UK-based bank account.
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